ceph 集群清理

有很多的时候,我们需要清理整个ceph集群环境,包括一些crd资源,namespace,以及 /var/lib/rook 下的内容,当然在清理完整个rook-ceph之后,还需要对osd 已经清理。

关于清理的方法: (官网有一篇文章来说明)


  • 针对所以nvme的磁盘就过滤出来,循环的清理。
$ cat clear-nvme-osd.sh

# Get a list of all NVMe devices
devices=$(nvme list | awk '{print $1}' | grep -E '^/dev/nvme')

# Loop over each device
for DISK in $devices
    echo "Processing $DISK"

    # Zap the disk to a fresh, usable state (zap-all is important, b/c MBR has to be clean)
    sgdisk --zap-all $DISK

    # Wipe a large portion of the beginning of the disk to remove more LVM metadata that may be present
    dd if=/dev/zero of="$DISK" bs=1M count=100 oflag=direct,dsync

    # SSDs may be better cleaned with blkdiscard instead of dd
    blkdiscard $DISK

    # Inform the OS of partition table changes
    partprobe $DISK